There are lots of ways that you can get involved with Blackpool HAZ.

As part of the preparation for the HAZ Cultural Programme, the Council commissioned a creative mapping exercise which brought together members of the creative community from a range of different backgrounds.
Out of this work came a number of clear messages from the local creative community around willingness to share skills and knowledge and a desire to see more local commissioning.
As a result of this we are pleased to offer a number of opportunities that highlight the work of Fylde Coast creatives and capture that desire to share skills and deliver on the commitment to commission fairly and locally.
Market Traders
We’re looking for Fylde Coast based stallholders with great creative talent and unique, original products.
Product Categories
- Art & Photography
- Craft
- Clothing and Accessories
- Health & Beauty
- Home & Living
- Food & Drink – Packaged cold food
- Jewellery
- Vintage Clothing
- Vintage Collectables
Workshop Leaders
Blackpool HAZ Cultural Consortium are looking for local artists and creatives to deliver workshop sessions to local people as part of the Cultural Programme.
The programme runs until December 2023 and we want to work with local artists and makers to deliver public workshops.

HAZ Area Business Owners
• Relationship Development Skills
• Health And Well-Being
• Money & Time Management
• Self-Care & Safety
• Housekeeping Skills

Join the consortium groups
The HAZ consortium is made up of members from Blackpool-based heritage groups with a track record of local community and conservation project delivery.
The Winter Gardens Trust
The Winter Gardens Trust was set up to raise awareness of the significance of the spectacular grade II* listed Blackpool Winter Gardens and to support its repair and restoration. They do this through a range of different fundraising activities.
They want more people to use the building, both as a public space and as a place for special events. They work closely with the operators and the Council to ensure that the public have the best possible access. They also ensure that information on the history and development of the building is available on site, so visitors can better understand what’s important about the building and its past.
Friends of the Grand
The Friends of The Grand was formed in 1973 to save Blackpool’s Grand Theatre from demolition. They are an independent organisation that provides financial and voluntary support to the theatre. Early Friends included Violet Carson (Ena Sharples), Alistair Cooke, Ken Dodd, Leslie Crowther, Tim West and Prunella Scales, Billy Pearce and Johnnie Casson.
Over the last twenty-five years, The Friends have contributed in excess of one million pounds towards projects including the provision of new carpets, seating and technical equipment.
Need more information?
There are lots of ways that you can get involved with Blackpool HAZ.
As part of the preparation for the HAZ Cultural Programme, the Council commissioned a creative mapping exercise which brought together members of the creative community from a range of different backgrounds.
Out of this work came a number of clear messages from the local creative community around willingness to share skills and knowledge and a desire to see more local commissioning.
As a result of this we are pleased to offer a number of opportunities that highlight the work of Fylde Coast creatives and capture that desire to share skills and deliver on the commitment to commission fairly and locally.
For more information or to submit a request call (650) 494-0550
Market Traders
We’re looking for Fylde Coast based stallholders with great creative talent and unique, original products.
Product Categories
- Art & Photography
- Craft
- Clothing and Accessories
- Health & Beauty
- Home & Living
- Food & Drink – Packaged cold food
- Jewellery
- Vintage Clothing
- Vintage Collectables
Find out more
Workshop Leaders
Blackpool HAZ Cultural Consortium are looking for local artists and creatives to deliver workshop sessions to local people as part of the Cultural Programme.
The programme runs until December 2023 and we want to work with local artists and makers to deliver public workshops.
Find out more
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Haz area Business owners
- Relationship development skills
- Health and well-being
- Money & Time Management
- Self-Care & Safety
- Housekeeping Skills
The HAZ consortium is made up of members from Blackpool-based heritage groups with a track record of local community and conservation project delivery.

Blackpool Civic Trust
Founded in 1975, Blackpool Civic Trust seeks to promote excellence and community spirit in Blackpool for people of all ages.
They are interested in all things Blackpool, particularly its heritage and future for people. They hold monthly meetings, visits to places of interest, and community activities such as Civic Week.
The Winter Gardens Trust
The Winter Gardens Trust was set up to raise awareness of the significance of the spectacular grade II* listed Blackpool Winter Gardens and to support its repair and restoration. They do this through a range of different fundraising activities.
They want more people to use the building, both as a public space and as a place for special events. They work closely with the operators and the Council to ensure that the public have the best possible access. They also ensure that information on the history and development of the building is available on site, so visitors can better understand what’s important about the building and its past.
Friends of the Grand
The Friends of The Grand was formed in 1973 to save Blackpool’s Grand Theatre from demolition. They are an independent organisation that provides financial and voluntary support to the theatre. Early Friends included Violet Carson (Ena Sharples), Alistair Cooke, Ken Dodd, Leslie Crowther, Tim West and Prunella Scales, Billy Pearce and Johnnie Casson.
Over the last twenty-five years, The Friends have contributed in excess of one million pounds towards projects including the provision of new carpets, seating and technical equipment.